recipe square savarin


Chef Romain Gourseau gives us his recipe made in our silicone mould.


Recipe for 24 cupcakes – MAE Ref. 004339
Would you like to make this recipe? Find the SQUARE SAVARIN mould and our different silicon moulds


Soft honey biscuit

Ingredients :

2 eggs
40 g icing sugar
80 g flour
55 g honey
45 g milk
5 g yeast
80 g butter

Process :

Melt your butter,
Mix the eggs with the icing sugar and the honey, then add the flour and the yeast.
Finish by mixing the butter and milk, divide into moulds and bake for about 20 minutes at 180°.

For the caramel

Ingredients :

100 g caster sugar
40 g semi-salted butter
20 cl full cream

Process :

Heat the sugar alone in a pan. Leave to cook without stirring until it melts and caramelises.
Gradually add the butter and then the cream, stirring briskly to avoid lumps.
When the mixture is smooth, continue cooking for 5 minutes and remove from the heat.
Leave to cool and place in the centre of the tin.

Vanilla chantilly cream

Ingredients :

250g full cream
25g sugar

Process :

Whip the mixture with a mixer until you have a whipped cream.

Pour the whipped cream over the cake and top with the cooled caramel

Recipe proposed by Romain Gourseau for Maé Innovation. 

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